Monday, January 12, 2015

My Wedding Preparation

Hi Bloggers!!

semenjak keje banyak kak esah takde masa nak update blog kak esah. Sorry lah yer..tapi akak ade nak story sikit..heheh..akak lama x update sebab satu akak busy prepare persiapan kahwin akak dengan abang sado saiyang akak, Encik K-rol Ajuan a.k.a Kyhaierulz Azzuwan,,haaa..

Akak harap sedikit sebanyak dapat bagi idea kat korang sikit on how to plan your wedding.

ok kasi overview sikit pasal wedding akak:----

1) Pilih tarikh

Tarikh mestilah ditentukan paling atas sekali pastikan semua pihak setuju. so akk pilih tarikh nikah akak pada 12.12.14 dan sanding ini tarikh keramat yang akak takkan lupakan dalam hidup akak.

2) Venue

Tempat juga penting sebab sekarang ni banyak venue yang asek fully booked memanjang tanya. Kalau boleh book one year in advance, letak deposit dan dok senyap :)

Aih pada mulanya susah jugak nak buat keputusan mana nak kawen, kalau ikotkan hati nak buat kat masjid aje. Memang kalau google banyak betol tempat yang menarik untuk dibuat wedding venue. Antara venue yang akk berkenan :---

  • Dewan Berlian LJT 
Akak Suka sangat dewan berlian ni..memang cantik tema English. Akak memang suka tema English dan apa yang sekutu denganntya. Memang akak berkenan sampai dah bayar deposit you alls... confident kawen kat sini last last akak cancel. sebab fikir nak buat kat Melaka. sebab nak abah akak masak.

  • Bora Ombak
         Yang ni baik gak venue dia pakai package sama dengan dewan Berlian. cantik kalau buat time 

  • Istana Bambu
          Akak Suka Konsep dekat Istana Bambu memang sangat Romantik nyah!! tapi bila pikir logistic
          akak rase x leh buat...xpelahh...

Last sekali akak confirmed decide nak buat majlis akak ni di Ayer Keroh Country Resort

Hah?? kenapa tukar jauh?? Melaka??

Okay ni some of the reasonnya:-

  • Melaka tanah tunpahnya darah akak dengan En. K-rol -- membesar, sekolah dan memang titik pertemuan kami adalah di Negeri Melaka...kenal dari tahun 2004 sebab sama2 sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Teknik Melaka Tengah...gitccheewwwww :)
  • Kat Melaka ramai kawan dan sedare mare yang conpem datang walaupon akak x ajak. so better!
  •  Ayer Keroh Resort ni yang bestnyaaa abah akak Chef kat situ..and of course I want my Abah to cook on my big day!! memang Abah tau preferrences akak nak macam mana. so sangat safe sebab aku tau abah adalah tukang masak yang terbaik!! Resort ni pon cantik!!
So after final discussion dengan family dan En. K-rol, kami decided nak buat kat Ayer Keroh Country Resort Melaka. Alhamdulilah...:) lega sebab dah confirmed kan venue >> boleh tarik nafas legaaaa!!

Aitt... belom lagi k..ade beberapa perkare penting yang nak kak esah share!!

Stay Tune!!!

  • Ayer Keroh Country Resort


  • Dewan Berlian LJT

Ni memang lagi cantikkkk...

  • Bora Ombak 

  • Istana Bambu

And soo onnn...memaanglaaah cantik semua pilihan kak esah...tapi akak esah pilih Ayer Keroh Country Resort !!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

SOooooo Busyy with Work!!

Hi Guys!

I'm Back now...I'm going to be active this time.. i love bloging but I DO NOT have time for it ..SOOOO DAMMN BUSY!!

SO now I'm very determined to be active again just to updates you guys (if you ever interested reading my blog, THANK YOU SO MUCH) Bless you!!

Besides, Ramadan is happening now... Wish you all Selamat Berpuasa dan selamat beramal...

LOVE Amy..

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Back Blogging Y'all!!

Hi its been quite a long time i didnt blog..i miss it..been so busy..but going to start active blogging...

hehe...stay the way,..the flower above is for you all....i loveee baby breath!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Reason of Failure

Hello There!!
Whats been up?..nothing been up??hmm .. you should sometimes evaluate yourself on what you have done for the past few years. Cause when you look back times, you feel so much improvement in your good self. Trust Me. I did it. I manage to be what I want to be eventhough not achieving fully on target but I feel I had improved.. in terms of skills and my way on handling people.
So Today, we gonna take a loop on what are the reason that cause us into failure…….interesting rite..scrolll down…scroll down my buddy!
Reason why we also have failures in life..check this out!
1. Like Yoda said, you just don’t believe it. 
The crucial part of Yoda’s dialogue with Luke is “believe.”  The human brain is a powerful problem-solving and prediction making machine, and it operates via a multitude of feedback loops. What matters most in the feedback loop dynamic is input — what goes into the loop that begins the analysis-evaluation-action process, which ultimately results in an outcome. Here’s the kicker: if your input shuttle for achieving a goal lacks the critical, emotionally relevant component of belief, then the feedback loop is drained of octane from the start.  Another way to say that is — why would you expect a convincingly successful outcome when you haven’t convinced yourself that it’s possible?
2.  Other people have convinced you of your “station.”
I’ve always thought the “know your station in life” idea to be among the most pernicious we humans have ever come up with.  The only version of it I like is Tennessee Williams’:   “A high station in life is earned by the gallantry with which appalling experiences are survived with grace.”  Love that Tennessee Williams.  What’s more pernicious than the idea itself is that it’s often heaved upon us by other people, and they convince us that we are what we are and we’d better just live with it because, well, that’s what we’ll always be.  Really? Says who? Show me the chapter on predetermined stations in the cosmic rule book, please. This also gets back to the feedback loop dynamic, because if this external “station” scripting is part of your input, you can expect sub-par outcomes all the time.

3. You don’t want to be a distrupter.
The word “disrupter” has taken on such a heavy, mixed bag of meanings in the last few years.  Reading both popular psychology and business books, I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing to be.   One thing seems certain — the notion of disrupting anything–of being the water that breaks the rock–is scary to most of us.  Reason being, disruption is perceived as a threat to our threat-sensitive brains. Disruption means that consistency, stability and certainty might get jettisoned for a time, and that puts our hard-wired internal defense system on high alert. Sometimes, though, you have to override the alarms and move ahead anyway.  If you never do, you’ll never know what could happen.

4. You think, “what if I die tomorrow?”
We all think this from time to time.  And you know what, sure, any of us might die tomorrow — all the more reason not to waste time thinking about it and hamstringing yourself from going after what you want to achieve.  Would you rather die as a monument to mediocrity or as someone who never quit striving?  Which leads to the next one…

5.  You wonder how you will be remembered.
The rub here is simply that, if you “die tomorrow,” will people remember you as someone who clung to stability like an existential life preserver — and is that what you really want?  I know for a fact that many people do want exactly that, because it’s a comfortable niche to occupy on the obituary page.  ”She/he was a good person, good friend, good….”  Good is fine, but it ain’t great. You can’t strive for great achievements by dropping anchor in Goodville.  My take on this is: it’s OK to wonder how you’ll be remembered, but don’t let thoughts of “good and nice and stable” effect that all important feedback loop, because if you do your brain will be happy to oblige with lots of good and little else.

6. You think there must be a pre-established role for your life, and you might be screwing with  it.
This one also touches on the “station” idea discussed above, but it goes deeper than that. We humans are prone to believing in something psychologists call “agency.”  We want to believe there’s a reason for everything, and that everything has a prime mover — an agent, whether human or otherwise. So, we think, what if there’s a reason we are what we are — what if celestial agency has determined it so?  Should we be messing with that?  The error in thinking here is clear — agency is a figment our brains rely on to manage difficulty with as little trauma as possible. The first thing to do is recognize that, and then recognize that the role for your life has only one true agent — You.

7. Your career appears to be well-established and that’s good…right?
Well, maybe that’s good, sure.  The question becomes, is “established” what you really want?  Maybe it is, and that’s cool. But if “established” means you can’t reach beyond certain imposed parameters to achieve anything else that you truly want, then maybe it isn’t so useful after all.  Like most things, this is a personal choice and it doesn’t have a right or wrong answer.  But it’s worth acknowledging that you may very well be “establishing” yourself out of greater achievements.

8.  You are afraid of losing what you have built. 
A totally legitimate fear, and one we should kick out of our perspectives as quickly as possible.  Here’s one example why:  Remember this little thing we’ve been suffering through for sometime now called a recession?  Remember how many people lost all or nearly all they’d “built” during these last few years of economic erosion? The reality is, you can lose everything in a heartbeat through no fault of your own, so why allow that fear to stop you from reaching out for what you really want?  This goes in the same basket as “I could die tomorrow.”  Yes, true, we can lose, we can die. So what? Push forward.
Move up t Move down
9. You think, “maybe I’ve hit my ceiling.” 
The proverbial “ceiling” — so long have ye been with us, and yet so little have ye given us.  I side with the late great Peter Drucker who said (paraphrasing from this classic article on Managing Oneself) if you reach a point in your career where you think you won’t progress any further, then start focusing on the next part of your life.  Actually, he added, you should start thinking about the next part of your life well before you begin it.  The point is, forget about ceilings and focus on achievement. When you start using the cultural shibboleth of the ceiling as an excuse, you are achieving nothing and will continue to do just that.

1o. Confusion about where to go.
Of all of these 10 ideas, this one is to me the most difficult because it plagues me almost constantly. Gearing up the cerebral feedback loop for achievement is one thing, but without a sense of focus and direction, all of that energy isn’t going to yield very much in the end.  My experience has been that sometimes you have to let the energy flow for a while without too firm a sense of direction and see if focus emerges organically. Once it does, you can then nurture it into a more structured method for getting where you want to go.
If you have thoughts on these 10 ideas, or suggestions entirely separate from them, please write them in the comments section.  I and others want to hear them, so let em rip!

 If you think you can do it..You can!! Daebak!!!! ( Korean language means Success)

Friday, June 15, 2012

My Big Day!!

My Big Day!!!
Hai all,
ok..aku ade berite yang sangat baik...nak tau ape?haaa..aku dah tamat belaja!!tp aku rase bukan setakat ni jer ajku akan belajar..banyak bende lagi aku kena belajar untuk kehidupan nie..
hmm hati excited giler coz pagi lagi nak shoot g shah alam...mama abah pon ada sekali..memang jantung aku dupdapdupdap...but pretend to act cool B-) my mind , wondering...Today is my victory and this belong to my beeeloved mama & Abah yang selama ni x putus2 sappot aku..thanks ma..abah*sambil menangis kegembiraan.....huhu. my effort and determination all this while ni untuk mama dan abah.T_T
Frankly, nak ikotkan keluarge aku ni bukan lah susah dan taklah susah sangat..tapi aku bahgie ade mak dan ayah terbaik didunia yang Allah Berikan pade aku..kalau tak kerana mereka..kejayaan hari ini bukan milik aku..
Thank You Allah..=)..
When I reached je kat dewan tuanku Chanselor tu ..besepah aku tengok kawan2 aku kelam kabot pkai jubah..yang aku ni pon dah kenape...pakai jubah senget topi senget..luckily ade memembe yang pandai andam kan aku...brulah aku nampak kiut dalam jubah tu...*tapi still nampak comot..XD
Masuk je dalam dewan tu..tetiber hati aku mcm sebak..seriusly sebak...ase nak jatuh tertiarap jee..tau kenape aku sedih gembire kerana akhirnya aku berjaya ke menara gading...wooww!'
aku pon tak tau nak marah or nak mencarot..tapi video yang dipaparkan buat aku menanges pagi tuh..tak blh nak hide lagi dah...memang hati aku ingat ma dan abah jer....huuhu...hmm tapi mase turn aku amek sijil tu mama abah tangah g makan kat gerai hupe-hupenye dorang tak berkesempatan nak tengok saat2 yang dinantikan...aisshh..
Upacare berjalan seperti yang dijadualkan..tapi yang paling best hari ni..kawan baik aku sehidup semati sanggup datang kat konvoku semate2 nak jumpe aku...Nor Anisa Hang Tuah are my endless friend...walaupun 5min je jumpe tapi aku sangat menghargai waktu bersama....last sekali..lepas abes tuh..kami tangkap gambar....waa....sangat cantikk!!!..then saat-saat yang mengharukan when I had to say goodbye to my beloved friends....see you all in the new chapter of life!!
I look like Harry Potter..
my Lovely Housemate + Classmate + Soul Mate...<3
Sempat pose before masuk dewan..
My beloved Abah "Cek Abu Shah"

Anyway just to congratulate myself...YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY GRADUATED !!CONGRATULATIONS!!!! WELL-DONE!!

Last But not least...I dedicate to all my friends..a song from Vitamin C.. this song really means to long and til then we'll meet again!

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn twenty five
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year, we won't be coming back
No more hanging out 'cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now 'cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real cool
Stay at home talking on the telephone with me
We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends forever

So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school
Still be trying to break every single rule?
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels

La, la, la, la
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la
We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow (somehow)?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hi all,

rase-rasenye dah lame tak update blog nih..dah bersarang dahh..anyway..I've been very mcm2 cite nak cite n nak share kat blog ni..sape yang sudi bace ..bace laa...

ok...3 bulan lepas, aku dapat kerja kat Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre ..sebagai Pembantu Tadbir...haaa gitu...ok mule2 aku cam tak caye jer aku dapat offer maklumlah..nak masuk company ni agak tough la..sebenarnye aku nak ucapkan berbanyak time kaseh kat bos aku Ms Monica yang amek aku keje...memang Boss you are the best!!

at first, ape yang aku suka kat company ni sebab die banyak benefit yela name pon company besarr...gaji aku pon allhamdulilah..dapat makan best2 aku dah xpayah kua duit nak makan lunch...huhu..yang tak blh blah tu aku nia tibe2 bukan maen jakon lagi...aku dapat satu suit coat yang sangat comfort k..memang bersemangatlaa aku nak mula kerja...maklumlah nila kerja pertame aku lepas aku habis blaja degree..syukur sangat2..sampai time keje aku blh plak nak menanges..aku tau susah cari keje..Allah S.w.t memang selalu tolong aku...terima kasih Ya Allah.*syukur tak terhingga*..

aku sangat bersyukur...seronoklah keje sini..asek makan..dan yang paling penting banyak bende yang aku belajar kat sini....anyway...aku rase seronok keje cinie...nanti ade ape2 I update lagi yer....


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

LIMA 2011

wish to habe one of the plane
Following Sultan Selangor & Cj=hief Of Malaysia Navi..It was such an Honour!!
wawa, Echa, Anis , Mira n akak..geng kumpul souvenir

My beloved Bestfriend Siti Amira!!Love her soo much!!

Wah bestt nyer be part of the Organizer of LIMA 11'

Hey everyone!!

it's been a very long time i didn't update my blog, kumawo, actually i had a great news to share with you bloggers. I was lucky to be selected as volunteer for Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace exhibition 2011. First and foremost I would like to thank my dear friend Siti Amira Shaharuddin for informed me about this. she was really excited about it and she like me to join it. Luckily, me and her was selected to be the volunteers.

I was feeling very excited on the first day to Langkawi, I do not know any of the volunteers and thank god I have Mira accompanied me. It was a tiring journey because it took 7 hours to reach Langkawi. it's quite funny because i was thinking that i am having a vacation. haha..
when we arrived at Langkawi Jetty, I was amazed by beauty of the city. yelah..almost 7 years after my school Camp Wilderness Adventure, i didn't go to visit Langkawi. not much has changed. probably they want to preserved the Beauty of Langkawi. AB motel is where we stay, it is a nice motel as the beach is just 2 minutes to reach. we put our bags and heading to MIEC to meet the Chief of Organizer, Mr. Zuhri. we were given briefing about the events and were assigned task. i was assigned to a Liaison Officer for Singapore and United States delegates.

On the event day, I was so nervous because i have to liaise Singapore Delegates, Mr. Yap, Director General Of Singapore Civil Aviation. i was assisted by my assistant officer, Mr Nazrul. they are all nice to me. thank u for making my job easy. i just bring my delegates to visit selected booth during the exhibition. i was very lucky because i received souvenirs from the company booth that i've visit.

i was feeling so amazed because i had the chance to meet the very Important Person. Tun Mahathir, PM and vice PM was there along with other ministers such as ministry of defence from Pakistan, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, and so on and also delegates from 57 countries. omaigosh , this is such a huge event!. this is great!. i bring Mr. Yap to watch the airshows. it was stunning!!. this is my very first time to watch the airshows at first hand. rare people had the chance to see it. because on the first day, only for VIP and Royal Families can attend the exhibition.

i was a great honour when i was given to liaise the Royal Sultan of Selangor. i was assisted by the Chief of Navy, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz. it was really a meaningful experience to me. i never been this very close to Sultan, it was awesome when he hit me at my shoulder and talk to me. he was a sultan with the heart of people.

unfortunately, on the third day of LIMA exhibition i was attacked by a fever. i puked all night , cough and has a severed stomach ache. i couldn't work. Unluckily, i miss all the activities during the day. i miss the chance to be on the ship in Awana and also miss the Oppurtunity to ride on cable's okay. i really feel grateful and thankful to my lovely friends, amira, for buying the cool fever, ubat kapak and 100plus for me. thank you for taking care of me.

i was back to normal on the next day and be able to work. finally it was the last day of LIMA exhibition. i feel sad because its about to come to end. i was having a mixture feeling. I feel like i don't want to leave this place. i fall in love with this place. it's been 10 days i stayed here. I was having so much fun and i enjoyed being with my new friends. i got a lot of souvenirs and bought a lot of chocolates for my family and friends. the last day to depart is very sad, i feel so gloomy. i was not in a mood to leave Langkawi. there is a lot more to treasure. they've should given us longer time. anyway i had a very great time joining this event. it may be the best moment of my entire life. i want to thank Mr Haswan And Mr Prem for selecting me to be the volunteer for this event. thank you so Much HW LIMA. I'm gonna miss you guys A lot!!!

until then we'll meet again....SayoNAra~~~~~